Parents: Are You Correctly Informed About Medications for ADHD?
It's essential for parents to feel well-informed and supported in making decisions about their child's ADHD treatment.
Is Your Self-Esteem Missing in Action? These 5 Steps Will Help Rebuild It!
Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. It's influenced by our successes, failures, and how we see ourselves.
Let Me Tell You—-It’s Not Easy Being a Woman with ADHD!
The world is seriously misinformed about how women and girls experience ADHD.
What Might You Get Wrong About Your Child’s ADHD?
A diagnosis of ADHD doesn't define your child's future. With the right support, tools, and love, your child can thrive and achieve great things.
Stop the Blowups in Your ADHD Child Before They Start!
A child with ADHD can struggle to control their emotions. Their strong feelings often seem out of place, especially compared to the situation causing them. This can be tough for both the child and the people they interact with.
ADHD Is Not a Fad! It Belittles Me if You Think That!
Incidence is the number of new cases – people getting a diagnosis. That’s where we see an increase in the number of patients being diagnosing.
Executive Function Challenges Differ with ADHD and with Autism
Autism and ADHD share executive functioning challenges but for different reasons.
What to Do When Parents Mess Up
Focus on mending the relationship. The key is humility and authenticity.
Great Advice for Parents of ADHD Children
Pick your battles. You can't fight every fight—it's exhausting.
ADHD and Eating Disorders Are Often Bedfellows
I was relieved and angry. Relieved because everything makes sense now, and angry because why not earlier?
The Tragedy of A Late Diagnosis
I was relieved and angry. Relieved because everything makes sense now, and angry because why not earlier?
The Challenge of Sharing Your ADHD Diagnosis
Even when we do open up about our ADHD, and try to explain the symptoms that have defined us for too long, many people are incredulous. They don’t believe that ADHD exists in adults.
Executive Function Challenges and How to Improve Them
Executive Function Challenges and How to Improve Them
A Concise Description of Inattentive ADHD. If you have this type of ADHD, you will recognize yourself.
Individuals with ADHD of the inattentive subtype tend to be disorganized, easily pulled off course, forgetful, and inattentive. They tend to be disorganized mentally and physically.
I Am So Tired of Hearing “You Don’t Need to be Fixed.”
We want to be fixed. Why do you think we hire coaches, if not to be fixed, if not to improve our lives? Why had we continuously asked, “What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Why can’t I do better?” if we were content with ourselves?
A Concise Description of Inattentive ADHD. If you have this type of ADHD, you will recognize yourself
Individuals with ADHD of the inattentive subtype tend to be disorganized, easily pulled off course, forgetful, and inattentive. They tend to be disorganized mentally and physically.
Top Study Tips for Neurodivergent College Students
College life can be challenging for anyone, but for those who are neurodivergent, the hurdles of higher education tend to be harder to navigate.
Did Your ADHD Diagnosis Inspire Confidence in Your Clinician? The various avenues to a diagnosis would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.
Doctor: Here, fill out this questionnaire, and please have your mom fill out this one.
Me: Okay
What Makes ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment Challenging?
When diagnosing a high performing person, the diagnostician should look for evidence that performance lags behind potential.