Executive Functions: A Simple Explanation of our ADHD Challenges
When executive functions fail, people have difficulty with:
Is Your Life Too Chaotic? Habits Can Be the Building Blocks for a Calmer Life.
“Habits do not restrict freedom. They create it. In fact, the people who don’t have their habits handled are often the ones with the least amount of freedom.
Is Your Impatience Actually Time-Blindness?
"I'm so impatient!" is how the conversation started. She had thought this way about herself for years, and others reinforced this thinking. But the problem wasn't impatience.
How to Explain Your ADHD to Another Person
Your brain is a car. Everyone else's cars do exactly what they should. Every so often, other people have trouble with their cars, but their cars get fixed and continue to operate as they should. Their cars get places on time and never cause their owners' significant stress.
There Is One Thing That Improves ADHD for Almost Everyone. Can You Guess What It Is?
Here is a hint: it starts with M, is a 4 syllable word and research shows it is the most effective treatment for ADHD….medication. Not convinced? Read these comments on Reddit from people who take medication for their ADHD.
I Always Felt Guilty About My Behavior. Then I Found Out I Have ADHD.
I felt immense relief after being diagnosed with ADHD. It was great to finally know why I was struggling with my daily activities. It wasn’t laziness, it wasn’t a lack of intelligence, and it wasn’t “just a quirk.”
My Late ADHD Diagnosis Gave Me the Freedom to Stop Explaining Myself
Having to explain what ADHD is like to those who’ve known me for most of my life has probably been one of the most challenging parts of my late ADHD diagnosis.
It was one thing to struggle for over 20 years. But it was another to revisit the past. All the decisions I made just to get by — like placing my goals and plans on hold simply because “things just weren’t working out this time.”
Masking my ADHD at Work Was Exhausting, So I Stopped
I haven’t always felt comfortable disclosing my ADHD — especially in the workplace. I’d have a lot of anxiety about being vulnerable and honest with people who in the end may not even understand my challenges. So instead of sharing, I’d mask my ADHD and try my best to hide my challenges.
My Mom Finally Believed in My ADHD When She Saw Her Own Focus Problems
In Latin culture, learning differences are rarely talked about. They’re silenced and ignored out of fear that admitting these issues makes one seem “weak.” And in my household, my parents were no different.
For a long time, my mother didn’t want me to meet with a psychiatrist to find out why I was anxious all the time.
My Life Never Made Sense. Would a late ADHD diagnosis make any difference?
But throughout my academic years, I struggled to get through each assignment and exam. I was frustrated, I cried, and I wasn’t sure what to do. The help my parents could give was limited because they faced a language barrier that made it difficult. So, I fought hard for the grades that got me labeled as the “smart one.”
ATTENTION Students and Teachers: Learning with ADHD Looks Different
While I was in college, I studied long and hard for exams. I needed to. And I thought everyone else did, too. So, it drove me insane to hear other students talk about how little they would study, and how unprepared they felt the day of an exam — only to find out they aced it. They always aced it. Not me.
My ADHD Brain Won’t Shut Off and It’s Wearing Me Out
My constant state? Tired. I can sleep through the night, drink coffee in the morning, and sit in the sun for optimal vitamin D absorption. But even after my midday coffee and my prescribed stimulant medication that helps me focus, I’m still tired.
My ADHD Made Me Feel Like a Failure, Until I Started Forgiving Myself
When I first received my ADHD diagnosis—and started treatment — I thought life would begin to work out the way I thought it was supposed to. But I quickly learned that wasn’t going to be the case.
4 Effective Habits to Put Overwhelm on the Back Burner
Imagine someone has invited you for tea and they keep filling your cup until it is overflowing. You are surprised, and cry out them, “Watch what you’re doing! Can’t you see that the cup can’t hold any more.? It’s overflowing.”
Declutter Like a Professional by Asking These 5 Questions
As you look at each item, ask yourself:
· What are my reasons for keeping this? Are they valid reasons?
I Am Ready to Share My Secret on How I Created My Contented Life with ADHD
Today, I realized that ADHD is no longer a big issue in my life. Initially, I couldn't put my finger on when it became a nothing burger for me, but it has. Perhaps learning how I journeyed to wholeness will benefit you.
Take the First Step and Remove Your ADHD Mask
The journey to unmasking starts with yourself. A foundational first step can be writing your personal essay. Reflecting on your life and the trials, tribulations and successes that brought you where you are today can be a way to ground yourself in authenticity.
Brainteasers for People with ADHD. I Dare You to Read Them.
Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?