Reassessing ADHD Telemedicine: Is It Really Falling Short?
If you want an ADHD evaluation, and even treatment, you are in luck, even if you lack local resources.
Questioning Our Understanding: How Reliable is Our Knowledge of ADHD?
It seems that the more I learn about ADHDthe less confident I become about what I know!
Perfectly Summed Up: Discover the Most Accurate and Concise Description of ADHD
This is the best elevator speech about ADHD that I ever read!!.
Do You Prefer the Label “Lazy” to the Label “ADHD”?
To those who have children that are neurodivergent and say they "don't want to limit them by putting labels on them……
Diagnosing adhd is a mess
I hunt for misinformation about ADHD on the web. Sometimes I wonder if I am distracted, going down rabbit holes that don’t relate to my mission
Dispelling Myths: How to Spot and Challenge Common ADHD Misinformation
I hunt for misinformation about ADHD on the web. Sometimes I wonder if I am distracted, going down rabbit holes that don’t relate to my mission
Debating ADHD Treatment: Why Isn't Medication Universally Endorsed?
Is the ADHD World getting turned upside down? Psychologists recommend medication to treat ADHD while a psychiatrist promotes non-medical treatments?
Ending the Silence: Recognizing the Overlooked and Misdiagnosed in ADHD
It is commonly said by many, that people with ADHD don’t need to be fixed. It is our environment that causes our struggles.
Redefining ADHD Care: Beyond Fixing to Flourishing
It is commonly said by many, that people with ADHD don’t need to be fixed. It is our environment that causes our struggles.
It Makes Me Angry that Both the Name and Definition of ADHD Are Terrible.
ADHD is not a deficit of attention but an inability to pay attention to what’s boring. We can pay massive attention to what truly interests us.
Unpacking the Power of ADHD Medication: Understanding Efficacy and Overcoming Fear
Medication is the most effective treatment of ADHD. Valid research demonstrates this. We are fortunate to have such an effective treatment.
Are You Missing Out on the Benefits of Medication for Your ADHD?
Studies and clinical trials have shown that ADHD medications give the following benefits to some children and adults:
Parents: Are You Correctly Informed About Medications for ADHD?
It's essential for parents to feel well-informed and supported in making decisions about their child's ADHD treatment.
Is Your Self-Esteem Missing in Action? These 5 Steps Will Help Rebuild It!
Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. It's influenced by our successes, failures, and how we see ourselves.
Let Me Tell You—-It’s Not Easy Being a Woman with ADHD!
The world is seriously misinformed about how women and girls experience ADHD.
What Might You Get Wrong About Your Child’s ADHD?
A diagnosis of ADHD doesn't define your child's future. With the right support, tools, and love, your child can thrive and achieve great things.
Stop the Blowups in Your ADHD Child Before They Start!
A child with ADHD can struggle to control their emotions. Their strong feelings often seem out of place, especially compared to the situation causing them. This can be tough for both the child and the people they interact with.