Beyond Distraction: The Broad Impact of Untreated ADHD on Life

by Cynthia Hammer, MSW, Author of the book, Living with Inattentive ADHD

        In my next several blogs I will provide the findings from research about the various life domains where (untreated) ADHD usually causes significant problems in a person’s life. 

As they say, problems with inattention and distractibility are only the tip of the iceberg.  ADHD can effect many aspects of life.  

Although the list of potential concerns is daunting, it is helpful to know what we are up against and to celebrate our resilience and fortitude as we overcome our challenges.  

Unfortunately, like most research on ADHD, it doesn’t separate out those with Inattentive ADHD.  Some of the problems commonly cited for ADHD,  you won’t experience if you have Inattentive ADHD, however, you will have other problems to make up for it. :) .


Learn how to give girls with ADHD a fair start in life at


Searching for Understanding: The Struggle to Find Clinically Informed ADHD Care


Debunking Deadly Myths: How Misunderstanding ADHD Costs Lives