Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

It is Time to Stop Hiding Our ADHD

Isn’t it our fault that people find it hard to believe we have ADHD? Most people won't get it. They say, "I do those things, too. It's not a big deal." Their forgetful moments and their occasional feelings of overwhelm are part of life. It's not a problem for them, so why is it a problem for you?

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Tips for Explaining an ADHD Diagnosis to Your Child

Believe that ADHD is a difference in learning style that doesn’t match the current educational system.

Remember and connect with your confidence that your child has the ability to overcome challenges.

Approach the conversation with your child by believing that both you and your child will feel relief with this new way of understanding their learning experience.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

You Will Need to Wait for My Epitaph

Although I am 79-years-old, you can’t read my epitaph until 2033, as, according to actuarial tables, I have 11 more years to live. I am glad to learn this as there is much I want to accomplish before leaving planet earth.

In 2012 I retired as the Executive Director of ADD Resources, a non-profit organization which I founded in 1997. In retirement I was doing this and that. During the COVID shutdown, I wrote a memoir/self-help book about my life with inattentive ADHD.

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Guest User Guest User

Do You Have ADHD and Play Tetris with Your Personal Calendar?

Are you always trying to figure out if you can fit one more activity into your day, week, or month? Packing your calendar so tightly that when the first activity doesn't start on time or takes longer than expected, your entire day, week, or month falls apart?

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Guest User Guest User

How to Become the Hero of Your ADHD Story 

In the graphic novel Dark Night: A True Batman Story by Paul Dini, he encourages us “to be the hero of our own stories.” Saying that is fine and dandy, but how do we do it? Well, I have a few suggestions.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Tips for Parenting ADHD Children When You Have ADHD

Parenting is challenging for most people, but for someone who is neurodivergent, the challenges are much more complex. Not only do you have to attend to your child's well-being, but you have to also attend to your needs; in some cases, both overlap.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Are You Ashamed of Your ADHD?

A college student, Ace, worked part-time in the office of ADD Resources, a non-profit organization I founded and ran for several years . The office phone with two rings. With one ring, it was a phone call and I should pick up. With the other ring, it was a fax and I should ignore the call. However, my brain never remembered. Whenever phone rang, I answered.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Free Goodies for Adult with ADHD

 There is a new non-profit in town, The Men’s ADHD Support Group, with a goal to inspire, educate, and empower men, virtually and in-person, and help men with neurodivergence live their best lives. 

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

ADHD and Risk-Taking —A Bad Combination

A study of 5–10-year-old children showed a significant correlation between symptoms of ADHD and greater risk-taking and reduced sensitivity to punishment…

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

ADHD—Is It a Disability or a Difference?

Children with undiagnosed ADHD usually have no idea how to handle life's challenges; they only know they aren't as skilled and capable as their peers without understanding why. But the parents recognize a problem and are reach out for answers. They know something is the matter.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

We Celebrated Our 2nd Anniversary and Two Years of Achievement on March 30, 2023

We Celebrate Our 2nd Anniversary and Two Years of Achievement

by Cynthia Hammer, MSW, Executive Director, Inattentive ADHD Coalition

Over the past two years, I became synonymous with the Inattentive ADHD Coalition (IAC), but that won't always be.

In 6 months, I will turn 80, and this organization needs to continue. It has important work to do.

Please donate today to celebrate what we have achieved and support what we still need to accomplish.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

It’s Wrong to Believe Poor Parenting Causes ADHD

Parents of children with ADHD often blame themselves for their child's behavior, especially when the symptoms are problematic at home but not at school.

It is common for kids with ADHD to experience/express more emotional dysregulation and impulsive behaviors at home. This is where they feel more comfortable and often need a release after a long exhausting day at school.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

A Diagnosis of ADHD is Not Scary! 

A big part of neuropsychological evaluation involves diagnostic considerations. I want to give my perspective on diagnosis because it can be scary or off-putting sometimes.

Think of diagnosis as a trail marker. It designates the path one is traveling rather than a label of the person walking the path.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

I Have Known About My Inattentive ADHD for 30 Years, but I Am Still Stupid About It

I like to do my own fix-it chores around the house, but I often wonder if I come out ahead.

I make so many blunders along the way to a finished job that I should have hired a professional. But when I get enthused about another job around the house, I forget my earlier missteps and mistakes and am optimistic that This Time Will Be Different.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Will It Be a Spoonful of Sugar or a Spoonful of Salt?

John and Julie Gottman, renowned marriage researchers, have written a new book about how to achieve a better marriage. But, one piece of their advice, called “turning toward,” is appropriate for all relationships. People with ADHD will benefit from this advice since it is simple to understand and implement and provides a tremendous return in fostering improved relationships.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Who Needs Testing for ADHD?

Bothered by mistakes you’ve made on your business accounts and missing deadlines at work, you turn to the internet to learn whether you have ADHD. You’re deluged by ads for online surveys, neuropsychological testing, genetic assays, EEGs and PET scans. They all tell you that they can help diagnose your condition. You wonder if you need all of this and how much it will cost.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

More Creative Tips for Managing ADHD from the Professionals, People with ADHD

Housekeeping Solutions

In order to not get overwhelmed when cleaning, just tackle these five things: Trash, Laundry, Dishes, Putting things back that have a place, Put things in a pile that don’t have a place.

If you can afford it: Get a cleaning person; It takes them 3 hours to do what you do in 3 weeks. While they are there, use them as an accountability buddy and work on tasks you have been putting off, like paying bills.

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Cynthia Hammer, MSW Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Creative Tips for Managing Your ADHD from the Professionals, People with ADHD

Take a picture of your to-do list otherwise the first item on your to-do list will be find your to-do list!

Make a list of what you need to do and estimate how long each task will take. Build in buffers on your time estimations for distractions and breaks. Then arrange the tasks in the order you plan to do them and go to it.

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